3D Laser Scanning
Get your 3D laser scanning/reality capture done by registered surveyors. Our profession is focused on capturing reliable and accurate measurements and we strive to provide an unrivalled service and deliverables. We have been involved with various and numerous construction projects spreading across the Southern African Continent.
Topographic Surveys
Requires taking measurements before and/or during the planning phase of any development project. This type of survey is crucial in determining the exact geographic characteristics of the land as well as existing municipal connections and as-built features enabling one to use the land to its fullest potential.
Deformation Monitoring
A niche and precise surveying skill implemented when a concern arises on the structural performance of any given structure. Using baseline measurements and comparing subsequent measurements taken over a period of time one can analyse deviations and determine if remedial work is required to maintain sound structural conditions.
Engineering Surveys
A broad term used to describe a discipline of surveying where precise measurements are obtained within the built environment for the placement and measuring of specified features and/or objects.
Agricultural Surveys
The surveying and planning that is necessary within the agricultural sector relating to farming activities.
Aerial Mapping
Often described as the art, science and technology of obtaining reliable information about physical objects and the environment through the process of recording, measuring and interpreting photographic images, also known as remote sensing.
Geomatics Consulting
We provide easy solutions to a complex industry.